Ted's Aircraft Shop
Maintaining the Aeronca Champ, page 2
Step   Annual Maintenance Activity
 2-10  Remove exhaust manifold covers (shrouds); check for corrosion
 2-11  If minor, remove rust from exhaust headers and paint with high-temperature spray paint
2-12  Replace air filter and check for condition
 2-13  Check carb heat linkage
2-14  Clean and safety wire gascolator
2-15  Check fuel line for leaks                                                                     
2-16  Inspect and replace rubber engine mounts, as needed
2-17  Inspect integrity of pushrod and valve system
2-18  Inspect integrity of exhaust manifold (Broken or missing studs; gaskets)
 Remove propeller, install cowlings, and reinstall propeller and check torque
2-20  Add oil to engine - Very Important!
 Part 3  Inspect Aircraft Structure
3-1  Inspect wing spars through underwing inspection covers (AD on spar inspection)
3-2  Inspect control linkages, hinges and control horns and connections
 3-3  Inspect wing root and aileron linkages and aileron cables and pulleys
3-4  Inspect rudder and horizontal stabilizer linkages, control horns, and cable connections
3-5  Inspect cable control pulleys in fuselage, especially rudder cable pulleys
3-6  Inspect stick and cable linkages and controls, front and back seats
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