Ted's Aircraft Shop
Step 3. Overhauling the Engine, page 2
Step 3.   Overhauling the Engine 
The engine gods did smile on me.  I found an “Overhaul Manual for Aircraft Engine Models C75, C85, C90 & O-200” dated January 1984.  And equally valuable was an “Illustrated Parts Catalog for C-75, C-85, C-90 & O-200 Aircraft Engines” dated June 1985. That was all I needed.  The overhaul manual provided step-by-step instructions for disassembly of the engine, cleaning, inspection, repair and replacement, assembly, and testing after overhaul.  Nothing, but nothing, is left out.  I started reassembling the restored engine parts on October 17, 2003, and mostly finished by the End of November 2003.  John Waltrowski looked over my shoulder as I did the overhaul.  I took photographs, logged the work, inventoried the parts, and got his signoff on the completed engine. 

Without reference to dates, the general steps for overhaul included:  (1) disassembly, identification, evaluation, and lubrication of all engine parts, (2) stripping the engine parts of paint, varnish, and stains from years of use and storage, (3) sending out the critical parts for inspection, repair, and replacement as necessary to an engine shop (Columbia Aircraft), (4) painting of exterior engine parts before assembly, (5) installing the new engine bearings, (6) installing the crankshaft, camshaft, and gears, (7) assembling the piston pushrods and bearings, (8) preparing the crankshaft halves for assembly, (9) mating the crankshaft halves with all the internals in place, (10) assembling the cylinders, pistons, piston rings, and pushrods, (8) installing the cylinder assemblies on the crankcase, (9) installing the valve pushrods, rockers, and valves, (10) installing the intake manifold, (11) installing the oil pickup and sump, and (12) discovering no parts left over after assembly—a good sign. 


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Restoring a Piper Cub J-3
1.  Picking a  Project
2. Organizing and Planning
3. Overhauling the Engine
4. Assembling the Wings
5. Covering the Wings
6. Covering the Tail Surfaces
7. Repairing the Ailerons
8. Painting the Wings
9. Build Out of the Fuselage
10. Covering the Fuselage
11. Assembling and Rigging
12. Flight Testing