Ted's Aircraft Shop
Step 4. Assembling the Wings, page 3
Step 4.   Assembling the Wings

step is to attach the small channel wing braces to hold key ribs in place.  (Oh, that is what those funny looking pieces are.)  Next the trailing edges and the installation of the false spars.  This is difficult because of the need to visualize the false spar standoffs and the method of attachment--screws and rivets. 


The leading edge installation is not difficult but it involves many steps.  First, the nose ribs have to be installed and the front edge measured to ensure that all of the ribs stick out to the same distance from the spar.  (Some ribs had to be reworked.)  I bought precut and prebent leading edge skins from Univair to save myself the grief.  First, I had to make sure the ribs stayed in position inside the leading edge or the screws would not hold.  This I did with dental floss tape which is plenty strong.  Then I laid the leading edge on the ribs and held the pieces in place with motorcycle tiedown straps, the kind that ratchets the straps down.  This had to be done at every rib station to ensure no buckling and a good fit.  When all is secure and square, I drilled holes for the screws and screwed down the leading edges.  At the end, I attached the compound leading edge covers at the wing bow. 


There are a few final steps.  I touched up the spars where the varnish had been scratched from the movement of metal pieces over them.  No need to invite wood rot.  I had to install the ailerons, check the hinge fit, and bend the ailerons gently to fit the shape of the wing.  The wing has a slight washout built into it at the wing tip and this has to be checked at this stage and rechecked during covering.  I laced in the  inter-rib bracing tape.  It keeps all of the ribs in place during the covering process. All measurements were checked and rechecked.  Finally, the wing was inspected and the precovered inspection completed signed off and logged. 



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Restoring a Piper Cub J-3
1.  Picking a  Project
2. Organizing and Planning
3. Overhauling the Engine
4. Assembling the Wings
5. Covering the Wings
6. Covering the Tail Surfaces
7. Repairing the Ailerons
8. Painting the Wings
9. Build Out of the Fuselage
10. Covering the Fuselage
11. Assembling and Rigging
12. Flight Testing